Saturday, 29 October 2016

preparation of banana sandwich recepie

                                                          BANANA SANDWICH

required items:-
                        1) a loaf of bread(take two bread slices).
                        2) 2 table spoons of oil.
                        3) 1 banana.
                        4)1 table spoon of sugar.
                        5) 2 table spoons  of curd.
preparation method:
                          Light the stove and place a pan on the stove.after heating the pan for 2 minutes  put 2 table spoons of oil and let it be heated for few seconds.after that take 2 bread slices and place it on the pan let it be heated for few second on both the sides until it gets roasted. after that take those roasted bread slices and keep it in a plate and put it a side.
                                                             Take a banana and cut into round pieces.take roasted bread slices and place those banana pieces on one bread slice,then put 1 table spoon of sugar on it,then pour 2 table spoons of curd on the sugar,after that place the remained one bread slice above it.atlast serve it on a plate.and keep the remaining banana pieces a side of the sandwich for atractive look...thats it ...................its so simple............your banana sandwich is ready to serve......

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